The Feminine Cycle and the Moon
The relationship between the feminine cycle and the moon has been studied for centuries.
The evidence is clear: women are influenced by the moon. Our periods are proof.
Yet, both the feminine hormonal cycle and the moon phases remain elusive for many.
So what does your menstrual cycle have to do with the moon? And how does the timing of your cycle relate to the phases of the moon? Furthermore, why should it matter?
Read on to learn more.
Women’s Hormonal Cycle and the Moon
Think of the moon like a compass.
Regardless of when you ovulate, bleed, and everything else in between . . . you have a relationship with the moon.
A Note on Privilege and Incorrect Assumptions
Both women and the moon take roughly 28-29 days to complete a cycle.
A man’s hormonal cycle is only about 24-hours.
Think about that for a second.
First, how cool is it that women are so intimately connected to the moon? Think about how much we might come to understand about ourselves by tracking the phases of the moon. There are so many beautiful synchronicities.
Conversely, take a moment to consider how steeply our culture is engrained in patriarchy. We operate based on the masculine hormonal cycle (the 24-hour clock). We are expected to complete a cycle in 24-hours. Each day, we complete the cycle and start anew . . .
. . . but that just is not true for women. Our cycle is more drawn out, and simply not aligned with the 24-hour day.
Not only that, but our ideals about when women should ovulate and menstruate are also faulty. It is believed that women bleed with the new moon and ovulate with the full moon. As you will soon find out, this is simply not true.
Menstruation and the Moon
Traditionally, menstruation is a time of retreat and rest. Energetic capacity is low and therefore more down-time is required. The body is releasing and preparing to enter a new cycle.
Many women experience discomfort (both physically and emotionally) during their period. Therefore, it is recommended to engage in greater self-nurturing during this time.
*Permission slip granted to slip into restoration mode*
This is not a time to act. This is a time to wonder, wander, and ponder. Take time to dream and think things through.
No need to make big decisions at this time. Rather, let all outcomes dance in your mind. Marinate in new ideas and allow them to geminate like seeds in the darkness.
Menstruation and the New Moon
The lunar cycle equivalent to menstruation is the new moon. This is a time when things are hidden.
Instead of looking to the outside world for answers (where it is dark) we can close our eyes, embrace the darkness, and look within.

Ovulation and the Moon
Ovulation is a natural part of a woman’s cycle. Women’s bodies are most fertile at this time. Energy and mood may also be elevated during ovulation.
Ovulation is a period of abundance. Manifestations likely come to fruition during this phase of a woman’s cycle.
Ovulation and the Full Moon
The lunar cycle equivalent to ovulation is the full moon.
Everything is illuminated during the full moon. This is time to take aligned action, armed with brilliance and enlightenment. Aligned actions lead to better outcomes. Things seem to move at a quicker pace.
The energy is amped up. Strange and unexpected things may happen. But if we took the rest and reflection time granted to us during the dark moon phase of our cycle, we operate during this phase with a clear vision. We have an advantage. We have the energy and the clarity to birth our creations into the world.
How Your Feminine Cycle Relates to the Cycles of the Moon
If you have not already, start to track the phases of the moon with your hormonal shifts.
It’s perfectly normal if your hormonal cycles do not match up with the “traditional” moon phases (ovulating on the full moon and menstruating on the new moon).
Just notice what cycles arise for you with each passing lunar phase.
You might feel greater energy on the new moon. Other women may experience greater energy during the full moon. Perhaps, you’re somewhere in between reaching your peaks and valleys aligned with the waxing and waning moon.
The beautiful part about working with the moon is you get to use your intuition as a guide.
You can find synchronicity with the moon in any phase of your hormonal cycle.
White Moon Women: You Ovulate on the Full Moon and Menstruate on the New Moon

White Moon = Creators
White moon women ovulate with the full moon and menstruate on the new moon. White moon women are fertile.
Although fertility if often associated with pregnancy and childbirth, there is more to this moon. Fertility can also mean creativity, productivity, and vitality. Birth is simply an act of creation.
A white moon woman is successful in her creative endeavors. She is fluid in her idea-generation process. These women easily birth new ideas into being. A white moon woman aligned with her intuition and purpose will have no shortage of creativity.
Red Moon Women: You Ovulate on the New Moon and Menstruate on the Full Moon

Red Moon = Healers
Red moon women menstruate on the full moon and ovulate with the new moon. These women have many names: healer, shaman, wild woman, therapist, guide, or intuitive. Once feared, they are capable of harnessing great power. Yet, any fear is misplaced. The power these women possess is in their ability to help others.
Red moon women are highly in touch with the divine feminine. They may work in healing careers: therapists, doctors, mothers, or teachers. Red moon women are influencers who challenge the status quo. These women are unstoppable when they are in their power.
Red Moon Women Healing Rituals
Red moon women need to remember to channel their healing powers back into themselves. Their greatest challenge is giving back to themselves what they so freely give to others.
The full moon is a wonderful time for red moons to practice self-healing. Their time is best spent in rituals of relaxation, instead of utilizing the full moon for spell-casting and manifestation. (Since they menstruate on the new moon, their energy is low during the full moon.)
On the full moon, red moon woman can renew by releasing the energy they are holding onto for others. Remember: healers need healing too.
Read: Rituals to Assist in the Letting Go Process
Pink Moon Women: You Ovulate with the Waning Moon and Menstruate with the Waxing Moon

Pink Moon = Overcomers
Pink moon women ovulate with the waning moon and menstruate with the waxing moon.
These women may be emerging from transitions within their life. Women who align with the pink moon may be leaving a stage of healing behind. Take solace in knowing the hard work is done. Rest and reflect on the journey. All things must end: including grief, trauma, and pain.
Your period is the perfect time to self-reflect on what you’ve achieved and/or overcome. Get centered in your goals. Take the time now to truly stand in the in-between.
Integration is essential. Reflect on what you learned during your last phase before beginning your next journey.
Purple Moon Women: You Ovulate with the Waxing Moon and Menstruate with the Waning Moon

Purple Moon = Reflectors
Opposite from the pink moon is the purple moon. Purple moon women ovulate with the waxing moon and menstruate with the waning moon. Similar to the pink moon, these women are in a stage of transition. However, these women are entering a stage of transformation.
Although, cycles are just that . . . cyclical. So who is to say what is the beginning or the end. You decide.
A Ritual for Purple Moon Women who Ovulate with the Waning Moon
Purple moon women should take time for shadow work. When they enter their season of renewal, the moon has waned into a period of surrender. This is a wonderful time to allow the your inner light to expose what otherwise remains hidden.
Our shadows often remain unconscious, but they manifest in our defense mechanisms, conditioning, and core beliefs. The shadow may be obvious to everyone but ourselves until we take the time to excavate them from our subconscious.
Shadow work can take the form of psychotherapy, body work, or self-care exercises such as hypnosis, journaling, or talking through concerns with a trusted friend.
Harness the Power of Your Feminine Cycle and the Moon
The feminine cycle and the moon are in sync. You might call it a synchronicity. And armed with an awareness of how your feminine cycle syncs up with the moon (and what that means for you), you can truly being to harness the powers of the moon.
Nothing is set in stone . . . including your cycle. Things may change. My interpretations of each moon color may also not apply. Use your intuition. Track your mood along with your manifestations each feminine and lunar cycle.
Tracking your feminine cycle may give clues as to what areas of your life require attention. Perhaps, your purpose is create. Your purpose may also be to heal others. Alternatively, you may be in need of healing or emerging from a period of darkness.
Working with your cycle and knowing when energy is high or low can help you achieve your goals, aligned with our natural rhythm. There is no right or wrong moon cycle. It is simply nature’s way of nudging us towards our greatest power.
Further Reading
For more information on the new moon, check out my blog The Spiritual Significance of the New Moon.
About the Author
Olivia Schnur is a Mental Health Counselor, Certified Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master and Writer with a passion for making mental health and spirituality accessible and relatable. She writes about healing, health, and happiness to educate, inform, and uplift others.
This blog post and additional information posted on represent Olivia Schnur’s personal views and should not be treated as professional guidance. The views in this blog post do not represent clinical treatment guidelines or recommendations and should not be treated as medical or mental health guidance. Furthermore, the views expressed on this blog and website do not reflect the views of any professional companies by which Olivia Schnur is employed.
Note to current and former mental health clients: Any contact made via is not considered a confidential means of communication. Furthermore, as a result of ethical and legal requirements, Olivia is unable to respond to current and former clients who attempt to make contact via social media, personal email, or website. Posting comments on blog posts or other web pages can compromise your confidentiality. It is recommended that former or current mental health clients avoid interacting with, commenting on, or making contact via this blog or website.
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That is why I wondered about all of this …for this whole time. Very informative article! 🦋
I’m a red moon and found this information very validating
This is so interesting, I love reading your articles!