EMDR stands for Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. This blog post is a guide to help everyone learn more about EMDR; specifically, how it is utilized to treat PTSD.
Rediscover Your Authentic Self (With Guided Meditation Script)
In order to rediscover our authentic selves, we need to return the beginning. We need to clear away the clutter in order to truly show up in the world as our authentic, loving, compassionate selves.
How to Apologize… And Mean It! (With Printable PDF Worksheet)
A true apology takes accountability. It means owning up to what we did. However, we are allowed to express how someone’s actions impact us. We just need to do so in a way that leads to genuine understanding.
How To Go Vegetarian And Change Your Life
If you learn how to maintain a healthy vegetarian diet you can achieve many health benefits. Regardless of your motivation for going vegetarian, it will not only have an impact on your health but the health of the planet as well.
Trauma-Informed Care is More Than a Buzzword
“Trauma-informed” has become a common term in the fields of mental health and yoga. Nevertheless, trauma-informed care is more than a buzzword. It is a set of guiding principles and practices, which I will break down within this post.
The Best Meditation to Fight Alzheimer’s and Improve Memory
Learn how to fight Alzheimer’s and improve memory.
How to Make Moon Water and Amplify with Crystals
Moon water can be used to cleanse, consume, or create. Once you learn how to make moon water you can start to experiment with its different uses.
Everything You Need to Know About Reiki Healing
Reiki is a complimentary form of healing. Reiki is thought to remove energetic blocks from the body. When the blocks are removed healing can occur.
Is the News Putting You Into A Trauma State?
This blog will define what a “trauma state” is and how the news can trigger it.
Resolve to Love the Planet Better This Year
I would like to invite you to make a New Years Resolution for the greater good of our planet: resolve to love the planet better.