What is Moon Water and How Do you Utilize It?
One of my favorite full moon rituals is making moon water. This post will teach you how to make moon water along ways to amplify it utilizing crystals.
Moon water is simply water infused with the powers of the moon. It is created under the light of a full moon. The water captures the astrological energy of each full moon. It can be utilized for the entirety of the moon cycle.
Moon water can be used to cleanse, consume, or create. Once you learn how to make moon water you can start to experiment with its different uses.
I often use moon water to make a room cleansing spray infused with essential oils. It can also be utilized for cleansing the aura.
If you would like to consume your moon water make sure you use filtered water in a glass jar. Consume it immediately after collecting it from beneath the full moon. Imagine the qualities of the full moon manifest within you as you drink.
Lastly, you can utilize the moon water throughout the month to water plants. Again, you will want to ensure you are utilizing filtered water from a glass jar.
Anything you use the moon water for holds your intentions for the month along with the powers of the full moon.

How to Make Moon Water
Making moon water is simple. Place a container of water outside, under the full moon, and by the next morning you will have moon water. It must be made on the evening of a full moon for this to be effective.
This seems pretty simple, right? However, there are a few details about making moon water that I would like to mention.
First, make sure you only use glass containers. The water is highly susceptible to absorbing the energies around it. Glass keeps the energy as pure as possible between the moon and the water.
Second, for the most benefits, place the container on an earth element. For simplicity sake, this might just look like placing a glass of water on the ground.
What do I mean by earth element? Well, the ground is the most obvious choice. However, if you are like me and live where the world literally freezes for six months out of the year, you might need an alternative unless you want frozen moon water…
If you live in a cold area or in an apartment building you can simply place a glass of water on a windowsill that faces the direct light of the full moon. A wood windowsill should suffice. You may also place crystals and earth elements (feathers, stones, plants) around the jars for added grounding.

How to Make Moon Water and Amplify with Crystals
Moon water is a powerful resource on its own. However, adding crystals to moon water can enhance the potency or amplify intentions.
This section will teach you how to make moon water amplified with crystals. I will break down the properties of four specific crystals: clear quartz, rose quartz, citrine, and amethyst.
Keep in mind this is simply the beginning. There are so many other powerful methods for enhancing or manipulating your moon water to match your intentions.
Amplifying Moon Water with Clear Quartz
To add potency to the moon water place a clear quartz crystal inside. Clear quartz is an amplifying stone and it will amplify the energy of the moon. Just make sure it is a polished quartz and not raw quartz, as raw crystals become damaged by water.
If you choose to work with other crystals as well, clear quartz will amplify the properties of both the moon and the other stone. Take caution as certain stones may set in motion some big changes amplified by the clear quartz.

Amplifying Moon Water with Rose Quartz
You may also choose to work with different crystals. The same caveat applies: make sure the crystals are polished and now raw. It might be a good idea to double check that each crystal you choose will not break down in water.
Rose quarts is generally a pink stone but it may appear nearly white or translucent depending on the stone. This stone is all about love. While it may be temping to assume this means romantic love, it is actually more commonly associated with self-love.
Moon water with rose quartz amplification can be great for setting an intention of self-love, forgiveness, heart-opening, or healing a broken heart. The energy of a rose quartz is nurturing and gentle. To enhance its effects add a clear quartz or use more than one rose quartz.

Amplifying Moon Water with Citrine
Citrine is a stone of abundance. It attracts success and assists with practicing gratitude. This is generally orange but often has white in it as well. Sometimes the color appears dense but it may also look opaque.
Citrine infused moon water is a great resource for anyone with an intention related to career changes, money, or academics. Like clear quartz, it can also be paired with other stones to amplify abundance. However, its properties are more diverse than the clear quartz so keep it mind that citrine may have its own agenda.

Amplifying Moon Water with Amethyst
The amethyst is a powerful stone for enhancing insight, intuition, and relieving stress or anxiety. It can promote psychic awareness and assist with making decisions.
People looking to deepen their spiritual practices, connect with their sprit guides, or channel ancestors will find many uses for amethyst infused moon water. This stone is also associated with the third eye chakra.

Before you begin, I want to remind you of a few things. First, never put raw crystal in water. Second, make sure you set an intention for your moon water. Third, never make moon water or charge crystals during a lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses are known for big karmic changes. The energy of the lunar full moon is considered to be too chaotic. In essence, this is not the kind of energy you want to harness.
About the Author
Olivia Lynn Schnur is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200) and Reiki practitioner. She writes about a variety of topics including spirituality and the moon.
Read More About The Moon Phases and Rituals
Rituals to Assist in the Letting Go Process by Olivia Schnur
The Spiritual Significance of the Full Moon with Rituals by Olivia Schnur
How to Begin a Lunar Practice by Olivia Schnur
This blog post and additional information posted on oliviaschnur.com represent Olivia Schnur’s personal views and should not be treated as professional guidance. The views in this blog post do not represent clinical treatment guidelines or recommendations and should not be treated as medical or mental health guidance. Furthermore, the views expressed on this blog and website do not reflect the views of any professional companies by which Olivia Schnur is employed.
Note to current and former mental health clients: Any contact made via oliviaschnur.com is not considered a confidential means of communication. Furthermore, as a result of ethical and legal requirements, Olivia is unable to respond to current and former clients who attempt to make contact via social media, personal email, or website. Posting comments on blog posts or other web pages can compromise your confidentiality. It is recommended that former or current mental health clients avoid interacting with, commenting on, or making contact via this blog or website.
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