What is a Trauma State?
Before I begin to explore if the news is putting you into a trauma state allow me to tell you a story. However, as I tell the story, please cast yourself as a character in this play. For, I believe, this will be a familiar tale to many.
Allow me to set the scene: It’s 5 o’clock. I text my friend something hippy-dippy (as I do) about yoga and manifestation.
They text me back. Something along the lines of, “Hey the world is actually exploding and I cannot take your hippy shit right now.”
I check the news. It’s bad: People stormed the capitol building, there are more riots, more unnecessary death, and further political upheaval. I think you know the story.
I did my work today; meaning: I am integrated, embodied, and mindful enough to digest this material. I get the story and get out.
My friend, on the other hand, is still stuck in the scrolling loop.
I remind them to stop scrolling and that they are safe and they will realize this when they come back to the present moment.
I gently suggest they have entered a trauma state. Their reply, “What is a trauma state?”
A Trauma State (In my own words):
- Hypervigilance or feeling hyper-alert for any sign of danger
- Body tension or a disconnect from the body
- Racing thoughts focused on the worst-case-scenario
- The general sense of impending doom
Does this sound familiar?
Is the news putting you into a trauma state? If you can relate then the answer is, yes!
How Is the News Putting You Into a Trauma State?

The News and Social Media Are Designed to Put You Into a Trauma State
For some, perhaps it is social media putting them into a trauma state instead. Social media takes advantage of our mental state with suggested advertising.
The act of scrolling becomes dissociative. Basically, we numb out as we scroll. Our brain stops the higher order thinking processes and numbs out. This is the exact thing companies want us to do.
When we are dissociative we are basically in a hypnotic state. Within this state, we are highly open to suggestions. Think: Advertising 101.
We must remain mindful of our consumption. If not, the world is filled with trauma loops waiting to catch us in their grasp.
Olivia Schnur
Ever noticed how you’re reading something and suddenly an ad for a pair of shoes you just looked at pops up? Well obviously, they are utilizing your precious cookies (mm website data). Less obviously, they are preying on your weakened mental state to hopefully nudge you towards buying their product.
Companies are taking advantage of their understanding of psychology. I want to empower you to understand your own nervous system and take the power back!
What Does Scrolling Have to Do with Trauma?
This is something I talk about daily. Forgive me if I skip to the punch line.
People with past trauma are much more likely to enter a state of dissociation.
Basically, their ability to remain within a state of calm, relaxation, focus, and safety (aka: the parasympathetic nervous system) is not as strong as say, someone without trauma.
Therefore, people with a history of trauma are much more likely to enter a dissociate state when scrolling or reading the news.
Is the news putting you into a trauma state? The answer for someone with trauma is very likely a resounding YES!
What Can You Do If the News is Putting You Into a Trauma State

“Ok Olivia, you told me what is happening now tell me what to do about it!”
Information is power, my dear reader. Remain mindful of your response. Stay informed, yes, but know when you have had enough.
Stay informed, mindfully.
Olivia Schnur
Meet your edge and then back off. Maybe it feels like tense shoulders. Perhaps, it is racing thoughts. You know your body best. Pay attention to cues you are starting to numb out or dissociate and take a break from the screen or the paper.
If you see yourself in this sad tale, comment below. Remember, I teach trauma-informed yoga. Consider booking a session with me if the grips of trauma, stress, anxiety or burnout simply will not leave your body.
Lots of love dear ones,
Your hippy dippy blogger.
This blog post and additional information posted on oliviaschnur.com represent Olivia Schnur’s personal views and should not be treated as professional guidance. The views in this blog post do not represent clinical treatment guidelines or recommendations and should not be treated as medical or mental health guidance. Furthermore, the views expressed on this blog and website do not reflect the views of any professional companies by which Olivia Schnur is employed.
Note to current and former mental health clients: Any contact made via oliviaschnur.com is not considered a confidential means of communication. Furthermore, as a result of ethical and legal requirements, Olivia is unable to respond to current and former clients who attempt to make contact via social media, personal email, or website. Posting comments on blog posts or other web pages can compromise your confidentiality. It is recommended that former or current mental health clients avoid interacting with, commenting on, or making contact via this blog or website.
Oh! I woke up this morning with that news and I was like.. What’s happening everywhere..
Since last match I tend to consume less news.. And skip that Prime time stuff because..