What is the Spiritual Significance of the New Moon?
This blog post will teach you about the spiritual significance of the new moon. If you are new to working with the moon this is the perfect time to begin. A new moon represents a new beginning.
Think of the new moon like New Years Eve on a monthly rotation. Instead of resolutions, we set intentions. Instead of sticking to a yearly goal, we allow the cycles of the moon to assist us on our journey.
Each new moon cycle, roughly monthly, we use the energy of the new moon to reflect upon, revise and revisit our goals. The energy of the moon changes with each phase. We use the energy of each phase to assist us in accomplishing our goals.
You may also look into the astrological insights of each new moon to see what energy the new moon brings. Each new moon has a different guiding astrological sign. Follow Soul Shine Astrology for deeper insights into each moon cycle!

New Moon Journal Prompts
Here are some simple prompts for you to journal, meditate or reflect upon for the New Moon:
- What areas of my life would I like to focus on putting energy into this month?
- Where would I like to see myself a month from now? What goals would I like to accomplish? What changes do I need to make to get there?
- How does my life look from an outside perspective? Does this reflect my interests, values and life mission?
What Should I do on the New Moon?
It is OK to start slow. In fact, it is not a great time to start anything. The spiritual significance of the new moon is all about dreaming, deliberating, planning and musing.
We do not start putting things into action until the next cycle of the moon. Each phase has a purpose. The spiritual significance of the new moon could be described as an energetic reset.

New Moon Activities
Allow yourself to dream. It can feel so healing just to let your mind wander. Where does it go? There you may find your intention for the new moon.
This is a great time to slow down and watch your thoughts. Allow yourself to be pulled like the tides towards your greatest dreams.
Reflect on the thoughts that flow through your mind. There are many ways to develop self-awareness around your thoughts: journaling, meditation or yoga can help.
Take a journal out to the meadow or sit in a comfy place and close your eyes for ten minutes. Alternatively, take an extra thirty minutes, morning or night, to pause with a warm drink and enjoy the silence.
If you struggle to meditate on your own, check out one of my guided meditations. Alternatively, book a trauma-informed yoga session with me.
Give yourself permission to slow down. Life can become so busy if we allow it. This is your time to take a moment for yourself. Pause and allow the peace the soak in.
This is powerful stuff. Your mind creates your reality. Allow your visions to dance so freely in your mind they overflow and become your reality.
Want to Learn More about the Spiritual Significance of the Moon?
I am constantly writing about the moon! It is one of my favorite topics. Check out my latest blog posts here:
- Improve Your Mental Health with Five Simple Daily Habits
- Everything You Need to Know About the Chakras (and How to Balance Them)
- Tapping into the Body Wisdom of the 7 Main Chakras for Mental Health
- How to Become a Reiki Master and What to Expect from a Level 1 Reiki Training and Attunement
- 8 Signs You Need to Fire Your Therapist (Trauma Edition)
Comment your visions and manifestations below and be sure to share this article with all your friends. Happy new moon. May your mind overflow with many dreams.
About the Author:
Olivia Lynn Schnur is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Reiki Master, EMDR Certified Therapist, and Certified Yoga Teacher. She writes about mental health and wellness with the goal of empowering, educating, and uplifting readers.
This blog post and additional information posted on oliviaschnur.com represent Olivia Schnur’s personal views and should not be treated as professional guidance. The views in this blog post do not represent clinical treatment guidelines or recommendations and should not be treated as medical or mental health guidance. Furthermore, the views expressed on this blog and website do not reflect the views of any professional companies by which Olivia Schnur is employed.
Note to current and former mental health clients: Any contact made via oliviaschnur.com is not considered a confidential means of communication. Furthermore, as a result of ethical and legal requirements, Olivia is unable to respond to current and former clients who attempt to make contact via social media, personal email, or website. Posting comments on blog posts or other web pages can compromise your confidentiality. It is recommended that former or current mental health clients avoid interacting with, commenting on, or making contact via this blog or website.
This article or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher.
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You are definitely magical writing. Idk but I’m like charmed after reading this one.- El.
Thanks for sharing! Have never heard of this until today, it’s such a good practice to set goals and reflect.