I love to write about the spiritual significance of the moon phases. I find that most people are interested in learning about harnessing the powers of the moon. However, they often do not know where to start. This blog post is intended to provide people with the basics.
The moon rotates through 12 phases each month. The main phases that are traditionally focused on in spiritual work are the new moon, first quarter moon, full moon, and last quarter moon. You may choose which phases resonate most.
Working with the moon is an intuitive process. While this blog post will provide readers the basics, there are multiple directions to take once the phases are understood. Additionally, the focus may shift with each new moon.
The Spiritual Significance of the Moon Phases

New Moon
The new moon offers a fresh start. This is a time for new beginnings. At this time we wipe the slate clean. It is a period for reflection, rest and recalibration.
This is a time for letting go of all that is no longer working towards our greatest good. We may also begin to dream about the future. We can begin to image where we would like to be when the moon phase is complete.
New Moon Activities
Meditation is a great practice for centering the mind. When the mind is clear, our purpose shines brightly in the forefront of our thoughts. It may also be helpful to journal at this time. To center the body practice gentle yoga, walk outdoors or enjoy a quiet moment with a cup of tea.
For more information on working with the new moon, check out my blog post The Spiritual Significance of the New Moon.
Waxing Crescent Moon
This is where we start to define our goals and dreams more clearly. During the waxing crescent moon we are mentally paving the way towards our dreams. Intentions are set that will carry us to the final lunar phase.
At this time, manifestations are made. The metaphor commonly used for this moon is planting seeds. We spend time dreaming of what we would like to harvest with the final moon phase. Yet, it is not time for action.
Manifestations mean working with dreams. When we visualize what we want as if it has already happened, we allow the universe to set our plans in motion. This also allows us to notice the work that needs to be done in order to achieve our dreams.
First Quarter Moon
This is the time for action! This stage may require hard decisions to be made. It is important to focus on the goals set during the waxing crescent moon. We must remain focused on our dreams in order to find the inner strength to prevail.
It might also be a time to revise the original plan. Perhaps, new information has been revealed. Maybe we discovered unexpected obstacles. Remember that detours are part of the process.
Detours do not have to derail us! Remain dedicated to the journey, regardless of any unexpected bumps in the road. Sometimes the journey is even more rewarding than the destination.
Waxing Gibbous Moon
The fruits of our labor may be starting to pay off. While it may not be time for harvest, we have a good idea of how well our seeds will bloom. At this time we should practice gratitude for the little moments of success.
While we are gaining momentum towards our goals, we must remain vigilant in the process. Did we overlook anything in the early planning stages? Does something or someone need a little extra attention at this time? The more attention you give the details at this stage, the greater outcome you will achieve.
Full Moon

During the full moon everything is illuminated. The moon is shining her brightest in the sky. While the moon is reflecting all the light of the sun, we turn inwards to reflect.
It can be a great time to check in with our goals and release anything that is holding us back. Oftentimes, it is our own expectations. Fears around failure, rejection or vulnerability can lead to self-sabotage.
Full Moon Activities
Take a moment to release what is no longer serving you. Begin by journaling or practicing meditation. Meditation might look like finding a quiet seat or walking mindfully in nature. It might also be helpful to release any stuck energy from the body with a gentle yoga practice.
To fully release any negative feelings, write a list. This list can contain worries, fears, perceived failures or people/situations that have harmed us. Place the list in a fire-safe bowl and light it on fire. Watch the list burn and breathe. Allow the feelings to be released with the flame.
Waning Gibbous Moon
Do not be surprised if the emotions released during the full moon linger. These things take time, especially if they are rooted in early relationships or long-standing patterns of behavior.
During the waning gibbous moon we continue monitoring how we might be standing in our own way. Alternatively, we may begin to notice greater abilities forming. On this moon, we have greater capacity for communication, insight and motivation (Bagua Center).
Third Quarter Moon
This is the moon of harvesting. We reap the rewards of our dedication. Our goals are reaching completion.
However, if our goals or achievements have not yet come to fruition there is something to be gained. We have likely had great achievements, growth or progress throughout this moon cycle. This moon asks us to reflect upon how far we have come.
Perhaps, we are not exactly where we hoped to be. Utilize this time to discover what is left to be done. This is not a time to give up. Release any self-limiting beliefs.
This is a time to reflect upon our lives in gratitude. We mindfully observe our life, our goals and our accomplishments. We can gain a great deal of insight during this time of reflection.
Third Quarter Moon Activities
Imagine observing your life like a loving onlooker. Perhaps, it is a spiritual being, a person who loves you unconditionally or an animal. This being has the potential to see into your heart, mind and soul.
You have been on a journey that no one else knows about. You have accomplished many internal feats that cannot be understood by someone outside of yourself. Take a moment to celebrate your internal growth. Send yourself a great deal of love, gratitude and warmth. You are loved and worthy, regardless of your accomplishments.
Waning Crescent Moon
This is the completion of the moon cycle. We have one foot in the past and the other in the future. Yet, we stand completely in the present.
We take time to look at the goals we created early in the moon phases and reflect upon our progress. Regardless of where we are at, we begin to let go. This is a time for rest.
Allow yourself to remain completely present. Do not dwell on the past, that is where depression lives. Do not worry for the future, that is where anxiety lives. Your peace exists in the present.
The Cycle is Ever-Lasting
The cycle begins once more with the new moon. Each new moon is an opportunity to begin again. We learn from each phase. Both our hardships and successes define the way we approach new goals and expectations.
The moon allows us to follow a guide as we flow throughout life. The powers of the moon also relate to our internal cycles. For women, the moon has a great deal of influence over our feminine cycle. For more information, check out my blog post The Feminine Cycle and the Moon: It’s More Than a Phase.
Working with the Moon
I hope this provided an introduction to the spiritual significance of the moon phases. There are so many ways to utilize this information. Perhaps, you simply would like to harness the powers of the moon by setting goals and manifesting them into reality. Additionally, you may utilize the moon to track your energy, reproductive cycle or mood.
I love to work with the moon to create intentions. It can be fun to integrate crystals, herbs, oracle cards and reiki healing into moon work. Additionally, I practice specific yoga flows and meditations based on the cycle of the moon.
Check out the Trauma-Informed Yoga section of my website. I offer personalized yoga and reiki healing sessions. Together, we can create a yoga routine to help you work with the moon. I would love to work with you whether your goal is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. There is something for everyone!
Additional Reading Related to the Spiritual Significance of the Moon Phases
The Spiritual Significance of the New Moon by Olivia Schnur
The Feminine Cycle and the Moon: It’s More Than a Phase by Olivia Schnur
Bagua Center (Accessed November 5, 2020). Moon Cycles and their Spiritual Significance. https://baguacenter.com/moon-cycles-and-their-spiritual-significance/
This blog post and additional information posted on oliviaschnur.com represent Olivia Schnur’s personal views and should not be treated as professional guidance. The views in this blog post do not represent clinical treatment guidelines or recommendations and should not be treated as medical or mental health guidance. Furthermore, the views expressed on this blog and website do not reflect the views of any professional companies by which Olivia Schnur is employed.
Note to current and former mental health clients: Any contact made via oliviaschnur.com is not considered a confidential means of communication. Furthermore, as a result of ethical and legal requirements, Olivia is unable to respond to current and former clients who attempt to make contact via social media, personal email, or website. Posting comments on blog posts or other web pages can compromise your confidentiality. It is recommended that former or current mental health clients avoid interacting with, commenting on, or making contact via this blog or website.
I love this, very informative and something I can refer back to!