The following rituals to assist in the letting go process are powerful healing tools. Letting go is a necessary facet of any healing journey. Nevertheless, I recognize how difficult it may be to let go.
This blog post is designed to assist with every facet of the letting go process. First, it will assist you in understanding the importance of letting go. Second, it will assist you in identifying areas of your life where you need to let go. Third, it will teach you rituals to assist in the letting go process.
What is the Importance of Letting Go?
One of the guiding ethical principles of yoga is aparigraha; which translates loosely to mean let go. Letting go is considered a necessary step towards achieving bliss or samahdi.
This practice is important because it allows us to choose our path. When we are rooted in the past or stuck in indecision we are not free to choose our future. We need to rid ourselves of toxic attachments in order to move forward.
When we remain attached to things that are not good for us, we recreate a toxic cycle. We continually recycle old emotions no longer meant for us. When we learn to let go, we keep the lessons but let go of the rest. Then, and only then, we are free to move onto the next phase of life.
This could mean so many things! What awaits you? Maybe it’s a new job, city, partner or friendship. The future is unknown. However, when we break free from toxic cycles planning for the future becomes more exciting and liberating!
How Do you Know When it is Time to Let Go?
I like to ask my mental health clients, “Is this helpful?” Simply asking yourself if a reoccurring thought, behavior, or connection is helpful or hurtful may assist you in deciding whether or not it is time to let go.
We can let go of anything: thoughts, emotions, relationships, belongings, or attachments. Of course, taking a box of old things to the thrift store might look differently than attempting to rid yourself of a karmic pattern or relationship. We need different rituals for each piece of letting go.
Nevertheless, I fully recognize that letting go of objects can be extremely difficult. Check out an article I wrote on Elephant Journal, The First Place to Start the Letting Go Process to learn more about releasing items from your life. This can be an incredibly emotional and spiritual process.
Releasing Rituals to Assist in the Letting Go Process

The following techniques are simply suggestions. They are not a substitute for therapeutic advice. However, I am sharing tools and rituals I have successfully implemented within my personal practice. Feel free to modify them in a way that works best for you. Above all, I encourage you to practice rituals in a way that resonates with your energy and intuition.
Releasing Ritual
To begin, you may take some time to journal or meditate upon what you are wishing to release. Visualize the process and imagine yourself as if the release is complete. This visualization process sets the letting go process in motion.
Secondly, write the things you wish to release on paper. Allow any emotions that come up to flow without restraint. Emotional release is an important part of the letting go process. The best time to complete this ritual is during the full moon.
Finally, you may choose several options to complete the letting go process:
- If you feel you are not ready to let go: Place the paper in a glass jar. If you have crystals, intuitively choose a few to add to the jar. You may also add any items you feel will assist in the release. Revisit this jar every full moon until you are ready to complete the next steps.
- If you are ready to let go: Gather a bowl of water, a tea candle, and a polished clear quartz crystal. Place the bowl on a flat surface with the tea candle floating on the water. Set your intention and light the candle. Lastly, place the paper on top of the water. Adding a polished clear quartz crystal to the water will amplify your intention. *Do not add raw crystal, which is damaged by water.
- Alternatively, if you are ready to let go: You may choose to burn the paper. Take the paper, a lighter, and a fire-safe bowl outdoors. Stand under the light of the full moon and take a moment to reflect. Recognize that under the full moon everything is illuminated. When you are ready, place the paper in a fire safe bowl and light it on fire. As the paper burns, imagine everything you wrote being released. You may choose to bury or scatter the ashes.
Cleansing Rituals to Assist in the Letting Go Process
Cleansing rituals may be useful to complete on a monthly basis. They are also helpful whenever you feel your energy being pulled in many directions. They can also be extremely powerful on the full moon. Read The Spiritual Significance of the Full Moon with Moon Rituals to learn more.
During the full moon this may mean cleansing the physical body, the aura or even tools such as crystals, tarot/oracle cards or wands. It may even mean taking a moment to physically cleanse your space. Utilize the following rituals as a guide.

Auric Cleansing
The auric field is an energetic layer of protection we all carry. The aura becomes cluttered and dirty based on what we choose to surround ourselves with energetically. For example, we may pick up on the energies of others, electromagnetic waves, or even debris from unhealthy substances we absorb.
If you’re an empath, I did not have to tell you that!
The aura gets cleansed whether we know it or not. For example, running water cleanses the aura. However, we amplify the powers of running water by setting an intention for it to cleanse.
Furthermore, when we consistently choose to engage in activities that congest our auric field, we need to engage in powerful cleansing rituals. Things that congest the aura include: alcohol, intoxicating substances or addictions of any kind, and even emotions. Drama addicts: that means you too!
Sometimes, the emotions we carry are not our own. We may be picking up on residual material left behind from others. Alternatively, we may be holding on to recycled emotions from our past. Intentionally cleansing the aura may help to reset old patterns. However, if you find you are consistently stuck in old patterns of behavior, consider booking a trauma-informed yoga or reiki healing session with me.
Cleanse the Aura with Water
Choose a method of cleansing with water: washing your hands, taking a bath or shower, or even standing under a waterfall (should you be so lucky). Set an intention to cleanse your aura.
Mindfully submerge your body (or hands) in the water. Notice the sensation of the water. Imagine the water rolling over your entire body and washing away any emotional, mental, or physical debris. If you are washing your hands, imagine the debris falling off your body and into your hands and draining down the sink as you wash.
Allow yourself to let go of any residual emotions, thoughts, or physical sensations that do not belong to you. Stay in the water for as long as you like. When you leave the water say to yourself, “My aura is cleansed.” You may also add, “I let go of everything that no longer serves me.”
Smoke Cleansing

Smoke has also been utilized for centuries in ancient and indigenous traditions as a method of healing. I believe it is important to understand that we are adopting sacred traditions. Part of the healing process is honoring all the healers that come before us.
Sage is often utilized for cleansing the energy of a person, room, building, or situation. I also think it is important to note that sage is incredibly powerful. Sage does not only cleanse negative energy. It can wipe out positive energy as well. Once you have completed the process you are working with a neutral space. But I am getting ahead of myself.
To begin, unbundle the sage (it lights better this way). Put the sage in a fireproof container. Make sure it is lit well. You may have to light it several times. It will be incredibly smokey.
Allow the smoke to roll over the person, object, or room you wish to cleanse. When working in a building, I like to start at the door of the room and hit every corner moving clockwise. In buildings with multiple floors I like to start at the bottom and work my way up to the top. For maximum effect, I leave the windows closed until all rooms are finished. This is simply personal preference.
After a Cleanse
As a final note, be sure to do something afterwards to set the intention for the cleansed person or space. Burning Palo Santo is a great way to increase positivity and set an intention in a cleansed space. You may also light an incense or a candle and simply meditate on your new intention for the person or space. Using moon water can also assist in cleaning the space. Lastly, a reiki or yoga healing session can be a great addition post-cleanse.
Movement Rituals to Assist in the Letting Go Process
Sometimes we need to move our body in order to shift stuck energy. Again, I revert to encouraging you to honor your body. Trust your intuition to guide you through movement.
Without getting into too much detail here a few suggestions for movement-based practice:
- Dance
- Practice yoga
- Shake your limbs
- Run outdoors
- Physically move to a new location
I am being a little silly and purposefully vague with the last one. Physically moving might simply mean doing something different. For example, if you have been sitting for a long time get up and move. Shake your limbs, do some jumping jacks, or practice a few Sun Salutations.
You might also consider a more grandiose move. Obviously, these things take time. I am in no way suggesting you decide to pack up your entire life after reading this blog post. However, I will ask you to consider the fact that sometimes a change in perspective is necessary in order to see things more clearly. Perhaps, a weekend away might do the trick!
Seek Help to Support the Letting Go Process
Lastly, do not try to do this alone. Perhaps, you locate some great self-help books for letting go. Alternatively, you may seek out a trusted friend or relative. When things get really sticky, it might be helpful to visit a professional healer like a counselor, doctor or spiritual leader.
I hope a few of these rituals to assist in the letting go process proved helpful. Let me know in the comments below. Also, please feel free to post any questions related to this topic.
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This blog post and additional information posted on represent Olivia Schnur’s personal views and should not be treated as professional guidance. The views in this blog post do not represent clinical treatment guidelines or recommendations and should not be treated as medical or mental health guidance. Furthermore, the views expressed on this blog and website do not reflect the views of any professional companies by which Olivia Schnur is employed.
Note to current and former mental health clients: Any contact made via is not considered a confidential means of communication. Furthermore, as a result of ethical and legal requirements, Olivia is unable to respond to current and former clients who attempt to make contact via social media, personal email, or website. Posting comments on blog posts or other web pages can compromise your confidentiality. It is recommended that former or current mental health clients avoid interacting with, commenting on, or making contact via this blog or website.
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This is great and super helpful! I’m excited to try some of these techniques.