Everything You Need to Know About the Chakras
By the end of this blog post, you will know everything you need to know about the chakras…
… and probably a little more. You will also have a better idea of how to balance your chakras, and bring yourself back into alignment.
Here’s what we’ll explore:
- The element associated with each chakra
- Colors that represent each chakra
- Sounds (or seed mantras) you can chant to activate each chakra
- The physical, mental, and emotional properties of each chakra
- How to tell when your chakra is blocked
- What happens when your chakra is open and balanced
- How to balance, open, and heal each chakra
The Chakra System
The chakras are an energetic system in the body. The 7 main chakras run along the spine. However, there are thousands of chakras. But that is beyond the scope of this blog post.
So far, science has not proven (or disproven) the existence of the chakras. However, by learning to harness the energetic powers of each chakra center, you have the ability to shift your energy. Each chakra has physical, mental, and emotional properties. By tapping into these properties, you gain the ability to balance your chakras.
How Do you Know When Your Chakras are Open or Balanced?

Photo by Ashley Inguanta on Unsplash
In Sanskrit, “chakra” translates to “wheel.” And you can think of each chakra like a spinning wheel of energy. The energy of each chakra can be open, balanced, closed, or blocked. They can also be under or over active.
An open chakra spins clockwise. A balanced chakra spins at a steady pace.
A blocked chakra is stagnant and unmoving.
An overactive (out of balance) chakra spins quickly or sporadically.
An under active (out of balance) chakra is sluggish or blocked.
Blocked or unbalanced chakras can also spin backwards (counter-clockwise).
You want your chakras to be open and balanced. This is how you can use the chakras to achieve greater wellbeing.
What are the 7 Main Chakras? And How do You Balance Them?
There are 7 main chakras (energy centers) that run along the spine. They start at the base of the spine (root) and extend to the top of the head (crown). Therefore, you might think of balancing the chakras like root to crown healing.
It’s important to note the directionality of healing. Each chakra builds upon the last. So, if all your chakras are open and balanced except for the root chakra, this will have a negative cascade effect. Therefore, it is important to start by healing the root chakra and work your way up the spine.
The Root Chakra

Photo by Sina Katirachi on Unsplash
Physical location: The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. Physically, it is connected with the tailbone, reproductive organs, and adrenal glands.
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Sound (Seed Mantra): LAM
Emotional and mental properties: The root chakra is related to feelings of safety, security, connectedness, and structure. It also relates to feelings of belonging or a sense of home. There are deep ties with family, childhood, and financial wellbeing.
Signs of an unbalanced root chakra: If you root chakra is unbalanced you likely struggle with feelings of insecurity or belonging. This may relate to issues with family or finding a “home.” If you struggle with safety, security, or financial security you likely have issues centered around the root chakra.
Signs of an open and balanced root chakra: Feelings of calm, safety, security and belonging are signs of an open and balanced root chakra. Furthermore, people who have established career success or contentment likely feel secure in this area. A balanced and open root chakra likely manifests in comfortable and intimate relationships, particularly with family (or a chosen family).
How to Open, Balance, and Heal the Root Chakra
To open the root chakra, focus your attention at the base of your spine. You may choose to meditate on the color red, or imagine a red clockwise spinning wheel at the base of the spine. Connect with the earth element. This may look like meditating in nature, or focusing on feeling grounded and secure.
Chant the seed mantra LAM. If you have a mala, use the mala beads to chant LAM 108 times. If not, simply chant as long as feels comfortable.
To fully heal imbalances in the root chakra, it may be necessary to work with a therapist on issues related to family, inner child work, trauma, safety, financial security, career counseling, boundaries, or experiences of abuse.
The Sacral Chakra

Photo by Levi Guzman on Unsplash
Physical Location: The sacral chakra is located around the pelvic bowl or lower portion of the abdomen below the navel. It is also linked with reproductive organs, bladder, and kidneys.
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Sound (Seed Mantra): VAM
Emotional and mental properties: The sacral chakra is connected to feelings of openness, flexibility, fluidity, and novelty. It is fun, playful, sensual, and exotic.
Signs of an unbalanced or blocked sacral chakra: Issues with the sacral chakra might center around sexuality, self-expression, creativity, or open-mindedness. It may also be linked to creative blocks.
Signs of an open or balanced sacral chakra: People with open and balanced chakras are able to go with the flow. They express themselves easily and truthfully. It is easy for these individuals to create and express themselves through writing, poetry, dance, art, or movement. These individuals own their sexuality and easily develop intimacy with others.
How to Open, Balance, and Heal the Sacral Chakra
It’s important to find fluid movement in the hips, abdomen, and pelvis start to shift stagnant energy in the sacral chakra. Think yoga, belly dance, tai chi, or any kind of free flowing movement. Allow yourself to simply move without concern for appearance for several minutes.
Connect with the element of water. You may choose to meditate beside a river, beach, lake, or simply think of the water element as you fluidly engage in movement.
If you would like to add sound, chant the sacral chakra seed mantra VAM. Allow the sound to vibrate on your lips. Feel the movement in sound. Flow and express yourself with your body, voice, and movement.
The Solar Plexus Chakra

Photo by Roozbeh Badizadegan on Unsplash
Physical location: The solar plexus chakra is located a few inches above the navel. You might think of it like the space between your belly button and heart. Physically, it is related to digestion.
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Sound (Seed Mantra): RAM
Emotional and mental properties: The solar plexus is related to power and control, boundaries, and communicating needs, wants, and desires.
Signs of an unbalanced or blocked solar plexus chakra: People with blocked or unbalanced solar plexus chakras may have issues with boundaries, anger, or power. They may also struggle with feeling trapped, have issues with authority, and desire complete freedom without limits. They may struggle to respect other people’s limits or boundaries.
People with an overactive solar plexus may be easy to anger, struggle when they do not feel in control, and have ridged boundaries.
People with an under-active solar plexus chakra may be people-pleasers with porous boundaries. These people may struggle with assertive communication.
Signs of an open and balanced solar plexus chakra: People with a balanced and open solar plexus chakra practice assertive communication, healthy boundaries, and feel in control of their lives. They respect authority but also maintain their personal power.
How to Open, Balance, and Heal the Solar Plexus Chakra

Photo by Anubha Walia on Unsplash
To open and balance the solar plexus chakra, get into a power posture. This might look like a tall spine, open chest, and strong arms. If you’re familiar with yoga, this might be a series of warrior poses or a sun salutation. Practice breathing into this strong, powerful pose. Notice what feelings come up for you.
Afterwards, you might sit with a tall spine and imagine a clockwise spinning yellow wheel in your ribcage. Alternatively, imagine the element of fire. Breathe into the deepest part of your lungs. Imagine your personal power vibrating from this area. If you would like to add sound, chant RAM.
If you struggle with the solar plexus chakra, it may be necessary to work with a therapist to learn healthy boundaries or assertive communication. It may also be necessary to work through past trauma around issues of power and control.
The Heart Chakra

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash
Physical location: The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest. It is associated with the heart, lungs, and thymus gland.
Color: Green
Element: Air
Sound: YAM
Emotional and mental properties: The heart chakra is associated with grief, heartbreak, isolation, loneliness, and fear. When it is open it’s associated with love, belonging, friendship, intimacy, forgiveness, vulnerability, and bravery.
Signs of a blocked or unbalanced heart chakra: When the heart chakra is blocked, we struggle to love freely. We also struggle to forgive, connect with others intimately, or practice vulnerability. Heartbreak, betrayal, trauma, loss, grief, and loneliness may cause our heart chakra to become blocked.
Signs of an open and balanced heart chakra: Those who have an open heart chakra live and love with freedom. They express their emotions, desires, and needs freely. They know how to be vulnerable, and when and with whom it’s appropriate. It’s not about being naive or too trusting. But they forgive and remove hatred from their heart. They do not hold grudges or wish anyone unwell. They give their love where it is reciprocated. Relationships come and go with ease. True love flourishes.
The Throat Chakra

Photo by Christoffer Engström on Unsplash
Physical location: The throat chakra is located in the throat or center of the neck. It is associated with the thyroid gland, shoulders, neck, and jaw.
Color: Blue
Element: Space/Ether
Sound (Seed Mantra): HAM
Emotional and mental properties: An open throat chakra leads to freedom of speech and feeling heard. Thoughts and feeling flow freely and honestly from this open space.
Signs of a blocked or unbalanced throat chakra: People with unbalanced or blocked throat chakras have difficulties expressing themselves. They may struggle to find their voice or feel heard. This may be due to speaking too softly, feeling insecure with intimacy, or struggling to own their truth.
Signs of an open and balanced throat chakra: Someone with an open and balanced throat chakra can feely express themselves. This builds upon healthy assertive communication and boundaries associated with the solar plexus. As well as healthy self-expression with the sacral chakra. But it adds the element of voicing one’s truth. And people with a healthy throat chakra feel heard, validated, and understood. This allows for healthy development of intimate relationships.
How to Open, Balance, and Heal the Throat Chakra
To clear blocked energy from the throat chakra, you need to use your voice. Sing, speak, or hum. Even more powerful, sing or speak a song or poem you wrote.
Allow the energy of the sacral, solar plexus, and throat chakra to activate and open together. Dance as you sing or speak your own words. This is the ultimate form of self-expression. It takes time to feel comfortable with feeling heard and seen. But it is how you regain your personal power, own your truth, and express yourself.
To activate this chakra, hum or chant the seed mantra HAM. Feel the sound vibrating in your throat and on your lips as you chant.
The Third-Eye Chakra

Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash
Physical location: The third-eye chakra is located between the eyebrows in the center of the forehead. It is associated with the pineal gland and circadian rhythms.
Color: Indigo, purple, or blue
Element: Light
Sound (Seed Mantra): AUM (OM)
Emotional and mental properties: The emotional and mental properties of the third-eye include thoughts and dreams. It is linked with intuition, gut instinct, higher self, and inner knowing.
Signs the third-eye chakra is unbalanced or blocked: People with a blocked or unbalanced third-eye struggle to see the bigger picture in their own lives, or have trouble seeing other people’s perspective. They may often feel lost, indecisive, or unclear about their life path.
Signs the third-eye chakra is open or balanced: The third-eye chakra is associated with vision, dreams, intuition, or instincts. When it is open and balanced you can easily make decisions and you trust your instincts. You may have vivid dreams that help you on your path. This might also be vivid daydreams and clear plans that are easily translated into action.
How to Open, Balance, and Heal the Third-Eye Chakra
The absolute best ritual for clearing the third-eye chakra is kirtan kriya. Follow the link to learn this powerful practice.
Alternatively, close your eyes and gently look upward toward the brow center. Visualize the color indigo spreading across your forehead and deepening in color as you breathe. Continue to breathe, and visualize the color indigo spinning clockwise in the third-eye center.
Once you feel a warmth spreading to your third-eye, begin to chant OM. Stay as long as you’d like. But if you get dizzy, relax your eyes and take some deep breaths.
The Crown Chakra

Physical location: The crown chakra is located at the top of the head or in the space slightly above the head. It extends upward and outward to radiate around your auric field. It is associated with the head, brain, and nervous system.
Color: Purple or white
Element: Light
Sound (Seed Mantra): AUM (OM)
Emotional and mental properties: The crown chakra (when blocked) can lead to anxiety or nervousness. This might even lead to paranoia. An open crown chakra helps to elicit feelings of connection and tap into universal consciousness. We might also think of an open crown chakra as bliss, nirvana, or Samadhi.
Signs of a blocked or unbalanced crown chakra: An under-active or blocked crown chakra might lead to headaches, fatigue, brain-fog or confusion. An over-active or blocked crown chakra might lead a person to feel disconnected with their body (dissociation). This might be someone you’d say “has their head in the clouds.” Or they might be engaging in some spiritual bypassing.
Signs of an open and balanced crown chakra: Someone with an open or balanced crown chakra is said to be enlightened. This person achieves precise clarity of thought. They are connected with universal consciousness. They receive downloads or direction from anscestors, the universe, God, or the higher self (whatever you want to call it).
How to Open, Balance and Heal the Crown Chakra

Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash
In order to truly have an open and balanced crown chakra, all of the aforementioned chakras must be open and balanced. Otherwise, this can lead to an under or over active crown chakra. It is important not to seek enlightenment as a permanent state of being. It is more realistic to have glimpses of enlightenment. As human beings, we are rarely in perfect balance.
To tap into enlightenment, you might try connecting with your higher self. You can do this through oracle cards, tarot, or pendulum readings. To access this state of consciousness, you must develop a daily meditation or mindfulness practice. Equally important, take time to connect with nature. And eliminate your exposure to toxins (news, reality tv, junk food, pollution, excessive noise, gossip).
These activities may allow you to dip into complete chakra alignment:
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Reiki healing
- Sound healing
- Equine-assisted therapy
- Stillness in nature
- Drumming
- Religious ceremonies
- Dance
- Singing
Everything You Know About Chakra Healing
I hope this post gave you some good ideas for working with your chakras. As always, remember this is simply a guide. You are your own healer. You are the expert of your body and mind. When in doubt, seek help from a medical or mental health professional. You might also book a reiki healing to help align and balance your chakras.
About the Author
Olivia Lynn Schnur is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Yoga Teacher, and Reiki Master. She writes about health, healing, and happiness in order to educate, uplift, and inform others. Learn more about Olivia by exploring her blog. Or click here to book a yoga or distance reiki session.
This blog post and additional information posted on oliviaschnur.com represent Olivia Schnur’s personal views and should not be treated as professional guidance. The views in this blog post do not represent clinical treatment guidelines or recommendations and should not be treated as medical or mental health guidance. Furthermore, the views expressed on this blog and website do not reflect the views of any professional companies by which Olivia Schnur is employed.
Note to current and former mental health clients: Any contact made via oliviaschnur.com is not considered a confidential means of communication. Furthermore, as a result of ethical and legal requirements, Olivia is unable to respond to current and former clients who attempt to make contact via social media, personal email, or website. Posting comments on blog posts or other web pages can compromise your confidentiality. It is recommended that former or current mental health clients avoid interacting with, commenting on, or making contact via this blog or website.